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Checking a List: Making a Mindful Holiday Wishlist

I try not to over consume, in the name of both sustainability and my own well-being- it helps me to slow my thinking process down in order to make nuanced purchase decisions. 

So I spend a lot of the year…looking. Looking at the same page on that website. Bookmarking it. Thinking about if I need it. If it's clothing, where it would fit in with my other clothes? If it’s a new laptop, how much life can I squeeze out of my old one before I bite the bullet?

So if you need some tips on how to streamline your own holiday wishlist without getting overwhelmed by decisions- I’ve got you. But first, we need to break it down.

1.    Start looking early, without buying. Whether it’s stalking items online or just walking into stores to see items up close, start by just having fun searching, without putting any pressure to buy. Even if you’re an avid online shopper, trying to see if you can find the item in person can help solidify whether you really like it up close.  

2. We love a tier list. Break your desired items into price points, from big ticket items to mid-tier to uh, well, socks. And don’t hold back here! In this list, feel free to write down whatever immediate items come to your mind. I am of the opinion that it’s okay to not force yourself to be pragmatic all the time, especially during the holidays. It’s okay to sometimes buy yourself flowers just because they look nice, just like it’s okay to ask for things that aren’t well, just socks. 

3. Time to think. How much use will you get out of each item? Where is it from? It’s okay not to be perfect. Sometimes we cannot afford to shop sustainable all the time or it just isn’t currently viable, but it’s good to consider where you might purchase something from or if there is a sustainable dupe. Rank the things you need importantly and urgently, the ones that would be nice but aren’t urgent, items that you just really want, and then items that would be nice to have but aren’t the top picks. Are there any more expensive items that will have to take precedent because you need to be able to purchase them on sale?

4. Am I forgetting something? Oh, that’s right silly, everyone else! You’ve made your own list, now you gotta write down who’s on your list. But now that you’ve been able to be mindful of your own choices and what sustainable switches you can make, you can apply that to where you can find gifts for others. Streamlining what you need and what you’re going to get for others means you can try to purchase in fewer rounds, reducing multiple shipping costs from multiple places.

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